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Privacy Policy

On the website we would like to inform you about the policy

of the company's website. To maintain the confidentiality of customer information or any person who has visited the Company's website as follows.

Communication with customer

            The website will only contact you by email, Facebook page and phone. Will consider contacting via email first. In the subject line of the email, always state the purpose

of contact. If you want to be contacted back, whether it's about products or others, you can contact via the page KanVela Craft Chocolate' or email or phone according to the information posted on every page of the website, which you will be contacted back.

Website visits []

            You can visit the website of to view various products and services of the company without having to provide information about yourself to the company's website. The Company's website is continuously updated. The Company may use devices and software to collect data on data browsing behavior. of people who visit the company's website. The company will use such information for the purpose of improving the website to reach the target audience effectively.

Collection and retention of personal information

            Information relating to the website's customers will be used for the purpose of operating the company. And legally only consisting of optimization services and to the website The Company will keep such information confidential. and will comply with the law Information about the company's customers will be collected and maintain it during the period that the company and you still have business contacts with each other. In addition, when you send an e-mail to the Company, the Company will store the content of the e-mail, the address of the e-mail and correspondence with such e-mail for answering your inquiries. or for the necessity of follow-up and to check the interactions between customers and company staff. In the part where you have doubts whether it has been corrected or not.

Disclosure of personal information

            The website will not pass on or sell your personal information to other third parties. For the purpose of unauthorized use. In addition, the company will not disclose your personal information to any other organization unless

1. You have requested and authorized the Company website. in action

2. The information transmitted is to help the successful initiation of your transaction.

3. Disclosure is permitted by law. or as required by law

            For example, the website may be requested to disclose information about its customers pursuant to a court order or subpoena. or any other authority having legal authority. In this case, the website will always contact you in advance. The website may have agreements with third party service providers. To develop and maintain the Company's e-commerce system and allocate resources or services on behalf of the Company. which outsiders who come to work for the company or acting on behalf of the company, must agree to maintain the website's customer data as well. It is also bound by applicable laws. whenever the website has hired any other organization to support the company's services. Those organizations must comply. The company's confidentiality standards as well.

Security procedures for data protection

            We take all reasonable steps. including physical protection management and technical to help protect the personal information we handle about you from the loss misuse and access, disclosure. Unauthorized alteration and destruction We will retain and arrange for our service providers to retain your personal information only for the period necessary. for the purposes specified in this announcement and in accordance with laws and regulations. 

            We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone. Our employees will never ask you for your password by calling or emailing you without your request or consent. If you share your computer with others, you should not retain your login information (such as your user ID and password). in the shared computer Updating or modifying your personal information in accordance with all applicable laws. You can update or modify your personal information at any time by logging into your service account on the website.

Security of your personal information

            The Company undertakes that all information collected will be stored securely. We protect your personal information by

- Restrict access to personal information

- Manage the destruction of your personal data for security purposes when it is no

   longer needed for legal and business purposes. If you have reason to believe that 

   your privacy has been violated by the website

   Please contact us through the email address listed below. Your password is the

   key to your service account. Please use numbers of different letters or symbols

   and do not share passwords to others. If you

   have shared your password with others, you are responsible for any acts

   performed on your behalf or through your account and for the consequences. If

   you have no control over your password, you may not have control over your

   personal information or other information submitted to the Company. You may be

   required to accept any juristic acts entered on your behalf. Therefore, if your

   password is revealed or no longer secret for any reason. or you have reason to

   believe that the password has been disclosed or is no longer confidential. You

   should contact us and change your password. We ask that you log out of your

   account and close your browser whenever you use a public computer.

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